Improving the quality of life with educational and recreational opportunities for individuals with spinal cord injuries.

25th Annual MetroHealth Spinal Cord Injury Forum

Watch the replays below!

We had such a great time at the 25th Annual MetroHealth SCI Forum: All Around the World.  We hope that everyone enjoyed the experience and would love to have your feedback about the sessions, even if you are watching the replay!  Please use the button below to fill out our feedback survey.

The MetroHealth System hosted the 25th Annual Spinal Cord Injury Forum on Friday, September 24, 2021. The conference was held virtually via Zoom. 

The conference topic is “All Around the World: Being Together While Staying Apart.” The conference focused on the collaborative participation of educational sessions with patients led by Megan Hammond, President, United Spinal Association Northeast Ohio Chapter. Session topics include Spinal Cord Injury Research Updates; COVID & SCI; Secondary Complications of SCI; and Sex & Intimacy after SCI. Other sessions include a Keynote Speaker and Caregiver Corner.

Rewatch the sessions from the 25th Annual MetroHealth SCI Forum 2021

Forum Speakers

Support our sponsors from the 25th Annual MetroHealth SCI Forum 2021 by check out their website/presentations below

Forum Sponsors

Interested in more?  Check out the 2020 24th Annual MetroHealth SCI Forum replay videos by clicking the link below or the picture to the left.


24th Annual MetroHealth SCI Forum replay videos

Or check out USANEO Chapter’s YouTube Channel where we post our monthly meetings