Improving the quality of life with educational and recreational opportunities for individuals with spinal cord injuries.

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MSKTC Resource: Driving After SCI

The Model System Knowledge and Translation Center (MSKTC) is a national center that helps facilitate the knowledge translation process to make research meaningful to those with Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Burn Injury. In previous articles, we have featured the Factsheets on Autonomic Dysreflexia, Managing Pain, Wheelchair Information, and more.  The next resource we would like to highlight is about driving after spinal cord injury.

The Center for Neurological Wellness

Buckeye Wellness is joining forces with Center for Stroke and Hand Recovery under the new name Center for Neurological Wellness. Located on Harper Road in Solon, OH, the Center for Neurological Wellness is a specialized fitness clinic that has been created to provide a continuation of care for people with physical or neurological limitations such as with Spinal Cord Injuries, Stroke, surgery, or chronic conditions.

Women’s Health after Spinal Cord Injury 

Women living with spinal cord injury (SCI) are a special population representing the intersection of gender and disability.  Spinal cord injury can impact all aspects of one’s life: medical and care needs, education and employment, psychological health, and social life.  These impacts can be layered upon identities that bring life meaning: partner, colleague, friend, child, spouse, neighbor, parent, caretaker.  Women with SCI experience many changes, particularly to their bodies and their roles in society. 

Blood alcohol level and motor function after traumatic spinal cord injury

Mary Jo Roach, PhD As part of the SCI Model System grant, MetroHealth led a research project looking at blood alcohol levels at the time of a traumatic spinal cord injury and functional outcomes. The project was a collaboration with four Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems; Harvard University, University of Pittsburg, The Ohio State University […]

MSKTC Resource: Pregnancy after SCI

The Model System Knowledge and Translation Center (MSKTC) is a national center that helps facilitate the knowledge translation process to make research meaningful to those with Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Burn Injury. In previous articles, we have featured the Factsheets on Autonomic Dysreflexia, Managing Pain, Wheelchair Information, and more.  The next resource […]

Alternative Methods to Healthy Living

Healthy living is a comprehensive approach to well-being that embodies various aspects of mental, emotional, and physical health. It can involve a range of practices beyond diet and exercise. Allowing yourself to explore alternative therapies can assist with pain management, stress, and overall body balance. Here are a few alternative methods for you to try.