Improving the quality of life with educational and recreational opportunities for individuals with spinal cord injuries.


Member Spotlight
It was August 2023.  I was out late with friends, having fun.  I turned down the wrong street, and my life forever changed.  There was a crowd standing outside in the street.  I was just driving through, and they started shooting at my car – with a bullet piercing my back. I am now paralyzed...
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This past January was the 28th anniversary of my injury. It’s hard to believe that I’ve spent more than half my life in a wheelchair, though I still remember the day as if it were yesterday! There are some years that go by and I completely forget the date until it’s passed. But during this...
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On June 16, 2022, I was riding my e-bike to work, something that I do daily.  At the intersection of W 50th and Detroit, someone ran a stop sign and ran into me, causing my spinal cord injury.  After my acute care at MetroHealth Main Campus Hospital, I was transferred to the Rehabilitation Facility at...
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In a split second my life changed. Just like that I was waiting for an ambulance. The whole time wondering why I couldn't move anything below my neck. Nine hours later I was out of surgery that repaired my 3rd-5th vertebrae in my neck, needing rods on both sides of my neck. I thank God...
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Having a positive attitude and stubbornness has allowed me to take my injury in stride and overcome many challenges I didn't originally think I'd be able to accomplish.
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It was a normal day around 10 in the morning; I took the day off work and my wife and I were on our way to pick up my mother to spend the day with her.  About 10 minutes from her house, someone ran a red light and my car spun around and hit my...
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In August 2017, after an accidental fall, I became a T9 complete paraplegic. However, I haven’t let a wheelchair hold me back from fulfilling my dreams. After completing my inpatient and outpatient therapy, I immediately began learning how to drive again through MetroHealth’s Driver Rehabilitation program. After receiving my new license, I worked with the...
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Richard is a relatively new resident of Ohio. He has actually returned to Brecksville after a 50-year layover in Maryland, where he worked and raised a family with 3 sons.   Richard accepted a position in Maryland as a young man and left Ohio after applying for a job with Congressman Charley Vanek in 1973.  He...
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As I got myself back into the swing of things at work and at home, I was able to take advantage of a 3-D printer that is available in my library at the metro campus. Playing guitar is one of the safer hobbies that I have but one result of my injury was that I...
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Have you ever taken a trip where, logistically, everything went great, but your personal world felt like a hot mess you wanted to run away from?  Yes? Then you can relate to what you are about to read.  No? Let me tell you; it's the Hardest. Thing. Ever! Plus 3 tips on moving through a...
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