Improving the quality of life with educational and recreational opportunities for individuals with spinal cord injuries.


Mental Health
Healthy living is a comprehensive approach to well-being that embodies various aspects of mental, emotional, and physical health. It can involve a range of practices beyond diet and exercise. Allowing yourself to explore alternative therapies can assist with pain management, stress, and overall body balance. Here are a few alternative methods for you to try. 
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Peristalsis is the involuntary muscular contraction that moves digested food through the intestines.  Spinal cord injury (SCI) changes your peristalsis.  Instead of food passing through the body every 18-24 hours after eating a meal, for those with spinal cord injury it can be up to twice as long. Regular bowel movements are essential to remove...
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By: Ashley Callaway We all understand that physicians and medicine have the capability to save lives, but did you know that physical therapists are the people who give patients back their livelihood? The profession plays an important role in improving and maintaining the physical well-being of patients. There are various types of physical therapy that...
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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a serious and life-threatening condition for those living with spinal cord injuries (SCI).  Studies show that CVD occurs more often in individuals with SCI and at an earlier age than the non-SCI population.  The leading factors for the increased risk are changes in your cardiovascular system due to SCI and nutrient...
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In a split second my life changed. Just like that I was waiting for an ambulance. The whole time wondering why I couldn't move anything below my neck. Nine hours later I was out of surgery that repaired my 3rd-5th vertebrae in my neck, needing rods on both sides of my neck. I thank God...
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The Model System Knowledge and Translation Center (MSKTC) is a national center that helps facilitate the knowledge translation process to make research meaningful to those with Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Burn Injury. This library is home to factsheets, podcasts, videos, and comics to describe different areas affected by spinal cord injury. People...
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by Dr. James Wilson, DO Pain after a spinal cord injury (SCI) is very common. Pain comes in different ‘flavors.’ Doctors often separate pain into neuropathic (from nerve damage) or somatic (from muscles, bones, or other similar body parts). One especially common type of somatic pain is shoulder pain. More than one-third of people with...
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When treating depression or depression-like symptoms, many don’t think of nutrition.  However, when focusing on consuming specific nutrients, especially those that help your brain, can improve your mood and provide energy needed to perform all the daily necessities of life.  Your gut health can also play a role in helping depressive symptoms because of the...
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Due to many circumstances, the MetroHealth Spinal Cord Injury Forum will be postponed for 2023.  We are working on a new date and will update everyone soon.  We want to bring the best event possible and are working hard behind the scenes.  
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According to Brigham Young University psychology professor and researcher Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad, being socially connected is considered a fundamental human need.  Social support has been known to positively influence life satisfaction and health, and even mortality,  among those living with spinal cord injuries (SCI) and disorders.  Our connection to others enables us to better battle...
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