Improving the quality of life with educational and recreational opportunities for individuals with spinal cord injuries.


Due to many circumstances, the MetroHealth Spinal Cord Injury Forum will be postponed for 2023.  We are working on a new date and will update everyone soon.  We want to bring the best event possible and are working hard behind the scenes. 
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Richard is a relatively new resident of Ohio. He has actually returned to Brecksville after a 50-year layover in Maryland, where he worked and raised a family with 3 sons.   Richard accepted a position in Maryland as a young man and left Ohio after applying for a job with Congressman Charley Vanek in 1973.  He...
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Did you know there are over 125 miles of walking trails in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park ALONE?  That doesn’t include the Cleveland Metroparks, the Lorain County Metroparks, or other trails in Northeast Ohio.  You don’t have to go far in order to get to a trail.  But, if you are a wheelchair user, that...
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While we are so excited about the progress that we have made this year, we are still looking for more help to continue growing our local Chapter! With your help, we hope to enhance our services and expand our impact in the community. We have several volunteer opportunities available. Let us know if you are...
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In partnership with the United Spinal Association Northeast Ohio Chapter, the MetroHealth System will be hosting the Spinal Cord Injury Forum on Saturday, September 23, 2023. The conference will be held in a NEW Glick Center Conference Room at the MetroHealth Main Campus. This educational conference is projected to attract 80-90 attendees and a consortium...
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Have you ever taken a trip where, logistically, everything went great, but your personal world felt like a hot mess you wanted to run away from?  Yes? Then you can relate to what you are about to read.  No? Let me tell you; it's the Hardest. Thing. Ever! Plus 3 tips on moving through a...
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My world was forever changed on February 13, 2012 due to a motor vehicle accident. I do not remember being told that I would never walk again because I was heavily medicated due to the devastating injury that left me paralyzed from the chest down. But, the pain in my family’s faces made me realize...
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Spring weather is here in Northeast Ohio, and as we start to wake after our “hibernation,” the conversation turns to what can we do.  Living with a disability can provide enough struggles, but then we are faced with the questions surrounding accessibility in enjoying basic, everyday  hobbies.  What hobbies CAN we do? What’s available? What’s...
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In partnership with the United Spinal Association Northeast Ohio Chapter, the MetroHealth System will be hosting the Spinal Cord Injury Forum on Saturday, September 23, 2023. The conference will be held in a NEW Glick Center Conference Room at the MetroHealth Main Campus. This educational conference is projected to attract 80-90 attendees and a consortium...
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At 25 years old, Cleveland native Autumn Nalls had to relearn how to take care of herself following a spinal cord injury (SCI) about 5 years ago.  Before her SCI, she was a  motivational speaker about sexual health and wellness for high school students.  After moving to California for a year, she came back to...
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