Life as a carefree college student drastically changed in July, 1999 when I became a quadriplegic after a diving accident. After rehab I moved home with my parents. I ended up having tendon transfers in my arms and gained much more independence because of it. Having a positive attitude and stubbornness has allowed me to take my injury in stride and overcome many challenges I didn’t originally think I’d be able to accomplish.
After taking a semester off, I was able to finish my college degree through online courses and a few classes at a local college.The injury has shown me what true relationships look like. Many close friends before the injury gradually faded out of my life. The friendships I have now are so much better. But none are better than the one I have with Jason. We were high school sweethearts and reunited about a year after my injury! He’s my biggest cheerleader and supporter.
My pre-injury goal was to be a lawyer. While that didn’t happen, I’ve become quite the entrepreneur. For approximately the last 15 years, I’ve been involved in the Think First program speaking to high schoolers about injury prevention. However, we’ve been unable to continue the program since March due to COVID-19. I’ve kept very busy crafting having made over 60 pine cone wreaths and flower arrangements since February! I’d love for you to check them out at Lisa’s Pine ConePatch on Facebook or @lisas_pine_cone_patch on Instagram.
When I’m not crafting you can find me working in the flower beds or coming up with a recipe that will be included in the cookbook I’d like to write. One of my favorite quotes is “I am living proof that unfairness of life does not equal unhappiness.” I feel it is a daily choice to have a positive attitude and choose to overcome obstacles to make the best possible life.