The Model System Knowledge and Translation Center (MSKTC) is a national center that helps facilitate the knowledge translation process to make research meaningful to those with Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Burn Injury. In the past, we featured the Factsheet of Living with an SCI. This time, we wanted to feature a source on preventing pressure injuries after a spinal cord injury as this can often lead to life-changing circumstances.
The MSKTC has complied a list of 7 different factsheets related to skincare and preventing pressure injuries. They also provide quick reviews on two other areas related to this topic on the impact and use of Telehealth with SCI and the factors related to mortality after SCI. This is a plethora of information related to pressure injuries.
The first factsheet (in no particular order) outlines all of the high-risk areas of developing pressure injuries. Boney areas of the body are at a higher risk, and this factsheet shows you exactly where each risk area is and how to protect yourself. The second factsheet covers the topic of building skin tolerance for pressure. Because each person will be different, this factsheet walks you through how you can determine how much pressure is too much for you.
The third factsheet covers the causes and risks of pressure injuries and the fourth factsheet shows you how to do pressure relief techniques, also known as weight shifts. The fifth factsheet discusses preventing pressure injuries with the sixth sheet covering how to recognize and treat one. Finally, the last factsheet is an overview of what a pressure sore is and links to all the other factsheets.
We highly recommend you check out these factsheets, as well as their library of factsheets, related to spinal cord injury care. You can check them out at