The Model System Knowledge and Translation Center (MSKTC) is a national center that helps facilitate the knowledge translation process to make research meaningful to those with Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Burn Injury. In previous articles, we have featured the Factsheets on Autonomic Dysreflexia, Managing Pain, Wheelchair Information, and more. The next resource we would like to highlight is about driving after spinal cord injury.
You may be able to continue driving safely again, depending on how serious your injury is and how much function you have regained. If you can drive, you may need to buy a vehicle that suits your unique needs after the injury. Your doctor can refer you to a driving rehabilitation specialist for a full evaluation to decide if you are ready and able to drive.
The MSKTC factsheets cover all things driving. From what is involved in the full evaluation, how to find the right assistive technology for your driving needs, if there is any funding for these modifications, and more.
We highly recommend you check out these factsheets and their library of factsheets related to spinal cord injury care. You can check them out at