Improving the quality of life with educational and recreational opportunities for individuals with spinal cord injuries.

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Chapter Update: Summer 2023

While we are so excited about the progress that we have made this year, we are still looking for more help to continue growing our local Chapter!

With your help, we hope to enhance our services and expand our impact in the community.

We have several volunteer opportunities available. Let us know if you are interested in getting involved with our Pear Mentorship Program or the Equipment Lending Program.

Member Spotlight: Daniel Overfield

As I got myself back into the swing of things at work and at home, I was able to take advantage of a 3-D printer that is available in my library at the metro campus. Playing guitar is one of the safer hobbies that I have but one result of my injury was that I could not securely hold a guitar pick for very long. Using free software online ( I designed a very simple guitar pick that includes a curved handle that allows me to keep the pic stable in my hand using all of my fingers and my palm.

SCI on Social Media

Social media is a great tool to learn about spinal cord injury (SCI) resources as well as to meet other people living with SCI and learn from their experiences.  We have decided to periodically highlight various social media channels and people throughout the community. If you are creating social media resources of your own to […]

SCI Forum Announcement

In partnership with the United Spinal Association Northeast Ohio Chapter, the MetroHealth System will be hosting the Spinal Cord Injury Forum on Saturday, September 23, 2023. The conference will be held in a NEW Glick Center Conference Room at the MetroHealth Main Campus. This educational conference is projected to attract 80-90 attendees and a consortium of MetroHealth Spinal Cord Injury & Rehabilitation team members. Check out for all the information.

2023 Roundtable Discussion – What Hobbies Do You Enjoy?

Spring weather is here in Northeast Ohio, and as we start to wake after our “hibernation,” the conversation turns to what can we do.  Living with a disability can provide enough struggles, but then we are faced with the questions surrounding accessibility in enjoying basic, everyday  hobbies.  What hobbies CAN we do? What’s available? What’s […]

MSKTC Resource – Fitness & Exercise

The Model System Knowledge and Translation Center (MSKTC) is a national center that helps facilitate the knowledge translation process to make research meaningful to those with Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Burn Injury. Last newsletter, we featured the Factsheet on adaptive sports and recreation and how to get involved in your community.  This […]