The Model System Knowledge and Translation Center (MSKTC) is a national center that helps facilitate the knowledge translation process to make research meaningful to those with Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Burn Injury. We have heard growing concerns for spasticity, so we wanted to share resources on managing spasms. Spasticity is the uncontrolled...Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Kimberly Anderson The Northeast Ohio Regional Spinal Cord Injury System (NORSCIS) provides a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to the care of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI), is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), and is based at MetroHealth. Two key requirements of funding are to provide...Continue Reading
As the winter months come upon us, so will winter weather. For many wheelchair users, and others with disabilities, winter weather could mean isolation from the community due to the barriers the snow (or other weather conditions) creates. With the advances in technology, social media, and video streaming apps, there are ways of staying connected...Continue Reading
As the weather turns colder and the days become shorter and shorter, we would like to spotlight a Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) Resource Factsheet about Depression. Along with the factsheet, MSKTC has nine “quick reviews” all relating to depression and spinal cord injury. Depression affects about one in five individuals living with a...Continue Reading
With 2022 wrapping up, so are our in-person events for the year. We had many great events return to our programming this year and are excited to start planning next year. This year began with a partnership with Adaptive Sports of Ohio in doing a sled hockey clinic and moved into its first fundraiser at...Continue Reading
With the talk of recreational opportunities may come the thought of the pain and fatigue afterward. In our past newsletters, we have outlined some nutritional tips to fight depression and maintaining respiratory health. In this article, I will share with you some tips to optimize your energy level so you can maximize your ability to...Continue Reading
Outdoor recreation is one way to stay active, social, and connected with your community. Adaptive sports have been around for some time, but knowing about it and how to get involved is a different story. Evidence shows that getting outside and being in nature supports a healthy lifestyle and boosts our mood. Who wouldn’t want...Continue Reading
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