Improving the quality of life with educational and recreational opportunities for individuals with spinal cord injuries.

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Roundtable Discussion: How do you perceive yourself?

In our Summer 2022 Connections Newsletter, we introduced a brand new column, titled Roundtable Discussion.   In this column, we are interviewing people living with spinal cord injuries, asking about their tips, tricks, and learning experiences.  We want to elevate the conversation from resilience to relevant.  For this second article, we asked a few people, “How […]

Chapter Update – Winter 2023

Megan Hammond, Chapter President I have already been hard at work in 2023.  The Chapter had many generous donations in 2022, and have started giving them away!  I have already placed a power wheelchair, portable ramp, bed rail, closed system catheters, and manual wheelchair with new owners.  We still have another manual wheelchair, 6 different […]

Tetraplegia Management Clinic (TMC) at MetroHealth Medical Center

The aim of the Tetraplegia Management Clinic (TMC) is to restore upper extremity function to people who have a spinal cord injury utilizing innovative techniques. To accomplish this, we provide a thorough assessment of your current physical abilities. We will take time to discover your personal goals. As a team, we collaborate with you to determine the best course of action for your rehab journey.

MSKTC Resource: Spasticity

The Model System Knowledge and Translation Center (MSKTC) is a national center that helps facilitate the knowledge translation process to make research meaningful to those with Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Burn Injury. We have heard growing concerns for spasticity, so we wanted to share resources on managing spasms. Spasticity is the uncontrolled […]

Nutrition for Pain

It’s estimated that 34-94% of individuals with SCI experience pain in some form or another.  Approximately 50-81% of individuals with SCI experience musculoskeletal pain, which affects your bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.  Neuropathic pain is experienced by 29-75% musculoskeletal pain and onset usually occurs within the first few months or years following the injury. Pain […]

26th Annual MetroHealth Spinal Cord Injury Forum

By Dr. James Wilson In September 2022, the MetroHealth Rehabilitation Institute convened the 26th annual SCI Forum in partnership with the United Spinal Association Northeast Ohio Chapter. This year’s theme was “Change and Transformation.” This was the first in-person forum since 2019 and included several changes to improve inclusivity. The date of the forum was […]

Rethinking a common medication – Gabapentin

Written by Dr. Kimberly Anderson The Northeast Ohio Regional Spinal Cord Injury System (NORSCIS) provides a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to the care of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI), is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), and is based at MetroHealth.  Two key requirements of funding are to provide […]